JE 100

Grenada (+ St. Vincent addendum)

Sunday, February 12 – Grenada

This is my 100th Journal Entry. Kind of a milestone, I guess. It all started in January of 2019, with 2021 sadly being a lost year. Thanks to all of you for sticking it out through my ramblings. It appreciate it! And I enjoy reading your comments too!

Sunday’s are pretty quiet here. Most of the shops and restaurants are closed. And that’s fine with me, except for the fact that I need to get some groceries. Looking online I found a place that’s open. It’s about a 40 minute walk each way, which is probably a good thing, since I’ve haven’t been super-active since the volcano hike!

The low-key Sunday made for some good photo opportunities on my walk.

The harbor is full of fishing boats.
Impressive equipment at the Fire Station
The Eric Gairy Botanical Gardens is on my way to the grocery store; perfect spot for a diversion!
A pretty, peaceful spot.
Interesting planter!
My marker beacon to return to the apartment is the church steeple on the left of the picture.
No cars parked along Wharf Road today (well, almost); makes for an improved photo!

Monday, February 13 – Grenada

Kind of a leisurely morning today. I finally got out the door around 10am. And when I did, I discovered that…

…St. George’s has been invaded!!

The town is packed with people and vehicles (mainly taxis). What the…? Finally, I realized what was going on (I’m a little slow) – a cruise ship is at the dock! Ah…

My plan for today was to head out of town and go back to the Grand Anse area, where I stayed during my previous visit. This situation only reinforced that decision!

The walk into GA should take about 45 minutes.

The culprit!
Of course I had to make a return visit to the Craft & Spice Market for their grilled fish meal! (go with what you know!) And I went with the rum punch too, after foolishly skipping it on my last visit. (thanks for the deserved chiding X!)

The market and the adjacent beach were also more crowded than I previously experienced. Cruise passengers gravitated to this area as well.

My food Groundhog Day continues with a Grenada Chocolate waffle cone! (was there any doubt?!?)
My walk back to the apartment coincided with school ending for the day.

I also made a stop at the hardware store (Ace Hardware, in fact!) to pick up some duct tape.

Backpack strap repair. We’ll see how it holds up!

Kind of a boring day to read about, right? Sorry about that!

Tuesday, February 14 – Grenada

I’m going to visit a couple forts to the east of town today. But first, I’ll be making a stop at a roadside stand to pick up some roti. My Airbnb host told me about it. She claims they serve the best roti on the island.

A Grenada speciality, Roti originated in the Caribbean with Indian roots. It’s a wrap sandwich filled with curried meats or vegetables.

Sandra’s Roti Stand – pretty nondescript! I had to ask to make sure I was at the right place.
Heading up to the Forts. Looking back at the marina and Grand Anse in the far distance.
I liked this house and all of the plantings.
Coming up on the entrance to Forts Matthew and Frederick. With the diversion to Sandra’s, the walk took about an hour.
The entrance to Fort Matthew (free entry)

Fort Matthew was built from 1784 through 1790 by the British. About 90 years later, when it no longer served a military purpose, the property became a mental institution. Unfortunately, Fort Matthew was mostly destroyed by the conflict that occured here in 1983 (that I mentioned in a previous journal entry).

The Fort remains pretty much in ruins today.
The entrance to Fort Frederick. (2 USD entry fee)
Constructed by the French in 1779, Fort Frederick was soon used – ironically – by the British in defense against the French. Although, like Fort George, it never fired a cannon in anger.
The view from Fort Frederick. The St. George’s harbor is to the right, and Quarantine Park to the left.
Time for lunch! I bought two rotis at Sandra’s – one fish and one veggie (4.60 USD each). I included my watch in the picture so you can get a feel for their size. The bags indicate that they weigh 1 lb each – and I believe it!
I found an available bench inside of Fort Frederick. Perfect!
I’m going with the fish roti for lunch. I’ll save the veggie for tomorrow. Tasted great; just the right amount of (Grenada) spices!
Walking back down to St. George’s. That’s Grand Anse beach in the background.
The St. George’s Harbor and Fort George. My apartment is just to the left of the church steeple on the far right.
On my way back to the apartment I stopped by the St. George’s Market.

St. Vincent Volcano Hike Addendum

Anthony sent me some pictures that he took on our hike. I’ve posted a few here so you can see the dork (me!) in action!

Not realizing what I’m getting myself into!
Time for a rest! Note that I’m wearing the bandana on my head not to hide my baldness, but because I was sweating like crazy and it was running into my eyes!
I made it!
Coconut water stop. After finishing the drink, the vendor splits open the coconut so you can eat the soft meat inside. They even make a little spoon from part of the coconut (in my right hand).

10 thoughts on “JE 100

  1. 100! Quite the milestone. Grenada looks beautiful – you need to frame that picture you took of the marina and the buildings in the back (where you talk about the steeple being a marker). Great to see pictures of you too!

  2. Your hike must have been so hard especially with the heat & humidity. Good job! The ice cream is well deserved and looks great!

  3. Tim, this entry #100 in your journal is a great milestone of your perseverance. I like the views of the harbor, nice botanical garden and of course is great to see you in action.

  4. Great pictures Tim. Roti looks tasty, but no thanks if any curry. Unless I’m mistaken, it took 100 journals to see a pic of you! Pic of the house with all the plants looked amazing…an extra bonus if facing the water.

    1. Haha, good observation Ed! I think I posted one other picture of me when I was in the Galapagos. And yes, the roti does have curry. Sorry. Regarding the house, it looks out to the valley rather than the sea. 🙁 Thanks for the note!

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