JE 108

Guadeloupe to Dominica

Thursday, March 9 – transit from Guadeloupe to Dominica

Guadeloupe Information

  • Currency: Euro
  • Language: French
  • Vehicle Traffic: Drive on the right
  • Weather: Highs in the mid 80s, Lows in the upper 60s, moderate humidity
  • Covid Entry Requirements: None
  • Mask Wearing: Rare
  • Electrical Outlets: European
  • Drinkable Tap Water?: Yes
  • Time Zone: 1 hour ahead of U.S. Eastern Time

I’m on the ferry today, back to Dominica. Will there be issues? I’m expecting the worst, but we’ll see what happens…

The ferry departs at 5pm. I worked on a journal entry in the morning, was able to get a late departure from my Airbnb (thanks!), and a got a ride to the terminal from the driver, Max, who picked me up there a few days ago (35 USD).

The check-in and boarding process for the ferry in Guadeloupe was very efficient. They need to send a team from Dominica here to take notes on their methods! The ferry will stop in Dominica and then continue on to Martinique. It wasn’t super crowded, so I was able to get a window spot in the upper, open air level. We ended up breaking dock at 5:10pm; practically on-time, based on my experience!

Travel Note: I was not asked by the ticket agent or immigration officer about any onward or return travel from Dominica; a second positive data point on the method of entry to be used for those of you who are looking for ways to stay for an extended period in the islands without a visa!

There was a pretty sunset on our trip to Dominica…

We docked in Roseau at 7:35pm, only 20 minutes late. Nice! And there were three immigration officers on duty (compared to just one when I arrived previously)! I was out the door very quickly and was able to grab a taxi for the short ride (10 minutes) to my Airbnb (15 USD).

Friday, March 10 – Dominica

The Airbnb where I’m staying is located up in the hills surrounding the city of Roseau.

Just ahead is my apartment. The entry is to the right…
…via this wraparound balcony.
Entry to the right.
A big space.
3 nights @ 86 USD/night
Picture taken last night (before I used the bed). 🙂
More of the balcony…
…and the view. Nice! (except for the power lines)
The Airbnb host also runs a bar located at the front of the property.
Bar in front; my apartment is in the back, seen on the left.
View from the bar.

My plan today is to just take a walk into the town of Roseau and roam around (it’s what I do!).

Just up the road from my apartment is the Morne Bruce lookout.
The lookout and the adjacent grounds were the previous location of a British garrison (1765-1854).
This cross is located where the British flag would have flown during the occupation of the garrison.
This marks a trail that runs from the lookout down to Roseau. It is named “Jack’s Walk” because it originates where the British flag (Union Jack) was flown. The trail was used as a shortcut by British soldiers to get up to the garrison.
The other end of the trail is located in this park (called Botanical Gardens locally).
Recess for the school kids.
I hadn’t eaten since yesterday afternoon, so I stopped here for an early lunch. It’s located near the ferry terminal and was recommended to me last night by my taxi driver (Ramirez).
Quiet now (11am), but it was busy last night when we drove by.
Vegetarian Shawarma and a drink (8.50 USD). It was huge! I didn’t eat anything else for the rest of the day!
The Ferry Terminal. These poor saps waiting in line have no idea what they’re in for! Or, maybe they do and just don’t have a choice?
View from the cruise ship terminal.
Across from the cruise ship terminal, also houses the Tourist Information Center.
Fence surrounding the State House.
As close as I could get to the State House.
Parliament Building.
A building on the Catholic Center grounds.

After exploring the town, I made my way to the Botanical Gardens and found a shade-covered bench to plant myself for awhile. Very relaxing. I finally took Jack’s Walk back up to the Garrison and then made the short walk down to my apartment.

Later in the evening I stopped by the Top Bar and had a couple rum punches (only 2 USD each!) while visiting with the locals.

Travel Note: While on this trip (and during other visits to foreign countries too) it surprises me how interested, and knowledgeable, the locals are in U.S. politics. Considering the impact (influence?) that our government has in the world, I guess I really shouldn’t be that surprised.

Saturday, March 11 – Dominica

I thought I might have had an issue at my Madison condo this morning, but it turns out I was mistaken (not rare!). Thanks for your quick response (and understanding) Kari!

After that drama was sorted, I decided to just take another trip along Jack’s Walk into town. Nothing very exciting unfortunately!

No cruise ship today.
This is Woodbridge Bay in Roseau.
Saturday Market

After walking around a bit, I stopped by the grocery store and picked up some chicken chow mein takeaway (5 USD) for a late lunch.

My lunch spot at the Morne Bruce lookout. Great view and a nice breeze up here. Ended up spending a fair amount of time here. It was quiet today due to the lack of cruise ship(s).

4 thoughts on “JE 108

  1. The view from your balcony is amazing!! What is the stadium for – cricket? Love the sunset pictures too!

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