JE 111

Antigua to St. Kitts

Friday, March 17 – Antigua

I have some things I need to get done around the apartment today: laundry, journal entry, St. Kitts planning (my next stop), and some personal finance stuff. Boring, I know, but necessary.

Antigua Information

  • Currency: Eastern Caribbean Dollar
  • Language: English
  • Vehicle Traffic: Drive on the left
  • Weather: Highs in the low 80s, Lows in the low 70s, moderate humidity
  • Covid Entry Requirements: None
  • Mask Wearing: Occasional
  • Electrical Outlets: U.S. type
  • Drinkable Tap Water: Yes, but it didn’t taste the greatest!
  • Time Zone: Same as Eastern Time in the U.S. (now that Daylight Savings Time is in place)

Saturday, March 18 – transit from Antigua to St. Kitts

My flight to St. Kitts is at around 3pm, and I was able to get a late checkout from the Airbnb, so my morning was rather leisurely.

Travel Note: When staying at an Airbnb, without a car and in a location with no Uber/Lyft service, I’ve learned that it’s important to acquire taxi driver contact information, whether it’s via the Airbnb host or the driver who picked you up from the airport/ferry terminal. It’s not like when you’re staying at a hotel, where taxis are readily available.

For my ride to the airport I used the driver that picked me up on my arrival in Antigua – Chamouy. The ride took about 20 minutes and cost 25 USD.

Side Note: Chamouy has worked with my Airbnb host for quite a while, and he filled me in on the weird configuration of the building where the Airbnb is located (all commercial except for one apartment). Apparently the entire building used to be apartments, but it was decided to switch almost all of it over to commercial space in order to generate a more dependable rental income stream. Interesting.

The Antigua airport is pretty nice. There were many U.S. departures on the board when I was there: Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami, JFK, and Newark.
And this was a surprise! March Madness being shown in the Antigua airport departure area (maybe all of those U.S. flights had something to do with it!)

My flight to St. Kitts was with British Airways. Like my previous BA flight, it was on a wide body 777. In this case, the flight arrived from London; some of the passengers deplaned in Antigua, and the rest got off in St. Kitts. Not many passengers boarded in Antigua (maybe about 10 of us). The flight to St. Kitts took 20 minutes and cost 153 USD.

The taxi ride from the airport to my Airbnb in Frigate Bay took 15 minutes and cost 21 USD.

A little outdoor area adjacent to my apartment. That’s the Airbnb host’s house to the right.
The entrance to my unit.
A nice little studio.
5 nights @ 80 USD/nt
And bonus! March Madness is being shown in St. Kitts too!

Sunday, March 19 – St. Kitts

This morning’s priority was a grocery store run. The walk there took 30 minutes each way. Not terrible!

After that, I just took a walk around the Frigate Bay area where my apartment is located.

Down the road from my apartment, looking southeast at Ballast Bay.
Royal St. Kitts Golf Course
Marriott Resort
Here I’m by the Marriott, looking across the golf course at my Airbnb (it’s just above the green house in the middle of the picture).
Frigate Bay Beach, a 20 minute walk from my apartment
I blew it! Should have stayed here!
This is North Frigate Bay, where the Marriott is located. On this side of the island is the Atlantic Ocean, which has much rougher seas than the Caribbean, where Frigate Bay Beach is located. (Yes, the two bodies of water are that close together on this part of the island)
I came across this roadside smoothie truck on my way back to the apartment.
Went with a strawberry-banana (5.50 USD). Yum!

I spent the rest of the day working on this journal entry, watching March Madness, and following along online as the Wisconsin Women’s Hockey Team won their 7th National Championship. Amazing!!

Also, I’ve updated the map to show my latest movements. The link is here, in case you haven’t bookmarked already (and if you haven’t, what are you waiting for?!?).

6 thoughts on “JE 111

    1. Very good smoothie! I’ve gone back the last two days for more! Sadly, it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to watch the Badgers tonight. Will probably follow online. Thanks for the note Kait!

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