JE 116

Montego Bay

Sunday, April 2 – Montego Bay

For breakfast, we have a choice of Jamaican or American style. I plan on going Jamaican throughout my stay! Ya Mon!

This Morning’s Menu

  • Sorrel Fruit Juice
  • Fruit Plate
  • Akee & Saltfish (I had this in a patty from the Devon House Bakery in Kingston)
  • Yam
  • Green Banana
  • Plantain
  • Callaloo (grown on the property)
  • Fried Dumplings
The couple sitting next to me at breakfast had brought some of their own fruit, and offered it to me to try. Thank you! This is Custard Apple and Naseberry. Both were very good!

Wow! What a breakfast. I’m stuffed!

That meal left me a little lazy. I ended up spending the entire day on the property. I worked on a journal entry, did some reading, and of course made maximum use of the pool!

There is also a game room here. I spent a little time shooting pool today too. As you would expect, I’m terrible!

Breakfast was so filling that it ended up being my only meal of the day. To be honest though, the fact that the taco shop is closed on Sunday, and my general laziness, might have also played into the decision!

Travel Note: The shower here is great! Plenty of hot water and strong water pressure. It’s pretty much the first time I can say that since I stayed at the hotel in Bogota in January. Generally, the Airbnbs I’ve used throughout the islands have lacked either one or both of those attributes. I’m sure though that if I had instead stayed at resorts, the situation would have been different. Cheapness has its drawbacks!

Another Travel Note: I was talking to Xavier and he asked a good question about my travel map. He noted that when looking at the map, some numbers are missing. Great observation! This occurs when I have stopped at a location more than once. When this happens, one number will overlay on top of the other for that particular spot. This occurs in Panama (I had a layover there on the way to Barbados), Dominica (two stops), Grenada (two stops), and St Kitts (layover there on the way to Antigua). I think that’s all of them! If you have a question about the numbers, you can always refer back to the list.

Here’s a link to the map.

A much better sunset tonight!

Monday, April 3 – Montego Bay

This Morning’s Menu

  • Pineapple Juice
  • Fruit Plate
  • Escovitch Fish (Red Snapper)
  • Yam
  • Breadfruit
  • Green Banana
  • Plantain
  • Callaloo
  • Fried Dumplings

Another great breakfast!

Okay, I need to get out and walk off some of these calories! My plan is to checkout a few sights to the south of the B&B.

Just down the hill from the B&B is Old Hospital Park – my first stop.
Old Hospital Park Beach
This is what remains of Fort Montego. It has been converted into a private residence!
The view from the hill where Fort Montego is located. The arrow indicates the planned destination for my walk. The route will take me around the bay and hopefully provide some nice views from the peninsula.
I’m now in Harmony Beach Park
Where is everybody? The beach is closed today due to the lack of lifeguards. (the park is open though!)
I made a diversion to Sam Sharpe Square in town. This is the National Museum.
Another view of the square. Kind of uninspiring…

So, my walk out to the peninsula turned out to be like the one I took on the way back from Marigot in St. Maarten – long, and unpicturesque due to the many resorts and private residences blocking access to the waterfront. Bummer! Oh well, I did end up with 28k steps for the day. And to reward myself for the effort (and to sooth my disappointment)…

…there’s a Devon House I Scream in Montego Bay! Alright! It’s located in Harmony Park. I noticed it when I was here earlier and I knew I had to stop on my way back to the B&B.
And unlike the crowded shop in Kingston, I was the only one here at the time!
I chose Pineapple-Ginger (again!). 4 USD.
By the end of the day I was getting a little hungry; time to head back to Cali Taco! Went with 2 fish tacos tonight (7 USD). Eaten poolside, of course!

Sidenote: When I went to Cali Taco on Saturday the counter person there asked for a name to place on the order. So, upon my return today she remembered my name, and so did the cashier. Funny! (Although, they probably don’t get that many old white guys in the shop!)

Cloud blockage tonight…

2 thoughts on “JE 116

  1. I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the local cuisine, hot showers, and the pool! The beaches/water look beautiful as always!

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