JE 150


Monday, April 15 – transit from Kotor to Shkoder, Albania

This is my 150th Journal Entry. Kind of a milestone, I guess? Whoo hoo!

I’m taking the bus this morning to Albania. The departure is 8am, so I won’t have time for breakfast. The hotel provided me with a takeaway bag though. Thank you!

Back to the bus station in Kotor…
…and my coach to Shkoder.

And this time, in order to get the best views, I planned ahead and sat on the correct side of the bus. Brilliant!

This is the town of Budva on the Adriatic coast (a couple of window reflections, but not terrible)
A nice view down into an occupied valley.
We’re now riding along the edge of Shkoder (Shkodra) Lake. This is the same lake that I crossed when taking the train from Podgorica to Bar.
Everybody off the bus for an identification check at the Montenegro border. Since we were departing the country, this went pretty quick.

We then boarded the bus, drove for a minute, and got off again for the check at the Albanian border.

The Albanian border station
Shkoder Lake from the border station
At the station: This is a rather precarious place to build a nest!

The bus trip from Kotor to Shkoder took about 4 hours, of which 30 minutes were spent at the border crossings. The cost of the trip was €19. I was kind tired after my active last two days; the bus ride was a nice break.

The “bus station” in Shkoder is no station at all, just a designated spot to pull over on a main boulevard in the city center. (I shouldn’t be condescending though, that’s the same process used by Badger Bus for the trip to O’Hare from the UW Campus!)

I arrived too early to check in to my hotel, so I ended up strolling over to a nearby park to relax. It was a nice day, and the park was pretty crowded – all the benches in the shade were taken. I ended up finding some cover under a tree.

The view from my tree trunk seat!
A good time to dig into my takeaway meal from Kotor. Hit the spot!

Conveniently, my hotel was a 5 minute walk from the park…

Cocja Boutique Hotel
Restaurant & Bar. I like the tiles!
$65/nt, incl breakfast

And per my routine, I did a little walking around this evening…

Bashkia Shkoder (City Hall)
Entering Rruga Kole Idromeno, a pedestrian street. That is Xhamia e Madhe (Ebu Bekr Mosque) in the background.

Travel Note: It is recommended that foreign visitors do not drink the tap water in Albania.

The currency of Albania is the Lek. 1 USD = 95 ALL

Sidenote: The Olivier Awards (the West End equivalent of the Tonys) was held last night in London. And coming as no surprise to me, Sarah Snook was named Best Actress for her one-woman performance of 26 different roles in The Picture Of Dorian Gray. Well deserved! (there are rumors that the show will be heading to Broadway; could a Tony be in her future as well?) And I was also fortunate enough to attend a performance by the Best Actor winner, Mark Gatiss, in The Motive And The Cue.

Trivia: For those of you who are fans of the TV series Sherlock that starred Benedict Cumberbatch, Mark Gatiss is a co-creator of the show. He also portrayed Sherlock’s brother, Mycroft. And if you’re not familiar with Sherlock, I recommend that you check it out!

Tuesday, April 16 – Shkoder

The hotel breakfast was a set menu, rather than a buffet. And it was very good!
Looking out from the restaurant to the courtyard

After a leisurely breakfast, I headed out on a one hour walk to visit Rozafa Castle.

On my way to the Castle, I came across a…

Fuel Price Check: 185 ALL/liter = 7.38 USD/gallon
It looks like I have a little climb ahead of me!
So close.
And I’m in! The entry fee was 400 Lek ($4.20)
The earliest detected walls on the site date to the 4th or early 3rd century BC (not the walls in this photo)

Here are some views of the surrounding area from the Castle…

Looking east to Shkoder
Southeast; the Kin River
Southwest; the Drin River
Northwest: the Bruna River, and Shkoder Lake in the background

Shkoder Lake is the largest lake in the Balkan Peninsula and, as you’ve seen in my posts, is located in both Montenegro and Albania.

Time to head back down the hill!
On my way back to the city center I made a stop at the Bruna River.

I ended up walking around a little bit, but was honestly feeling a little tired. I did make one (actually two) stop on the way back to the hotel…

…I picked up a postcard for Oliver and dropped it off at this post office, which was a 5 minute walk from the hotel.

It was nap time when I got back to the hotel! And when I woke it was raining; a perfect excuse to stay in and work on a journal entry.

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