Thursday, February 27 – Harrow on the Hill
As you read through the upcoming posts about my recent trip to North Africa (kind of a Back to the Future ring to it, right?), you’ll discover that I caught a cold towards the end of my time in Marrakech (which resulted in some comical trips to the local pharmacies!). That carried through on to Tunis as well, as I basically just powered through it without any rest days. Too much to see, too little time…
Well, I’m paying for it now that I’m back in London. It’s just kind of dragging on. It’s annoying, but looking back on my previous trips, I don’t recall ever becoming ill. So, overall, I’d say I’ve been pretty lucky.
Anyway, this is all kind of a preface to say that I have a couple events booked over the next two nights that I don’t want to miss. Rest will come eventually!
Sidenote: I’m blaming my illness on the lack of timely updates to the Journal. Apologies!
Tonight I’m attending another performance by the Harrow School students.

An iconic play. But the more exciting part for me is the fact that the performance will be taking place in the Vaughan Library. I don’t think I’ve ever been inside the library. This should be fun!

A picture of the library from earlier today. As I was waiting in the queue to enter the library, I spoke with a former teacher at Harrow. She mentioned that she had no recollection of the Vaughan ever being used as a venue for a play. Wow!

The audience sat in two rows on both sides along the length of the library. The front row was chairs and the back row was high back stools/chairs (where I sat). Not the most comfortable, but the play only ran 90 minutes (no interval). And the performance made full use of the space, so everyone had a good view. There were even background music performers positioned amongst the nooks and crannies (violin, cello, keyboard, clarinet).

The actors also utilized the second level along the shelves for the performance. A very clever use of the venue! (note the violinist seated in the center of the photo)
Those who are familiar with A Death of a Salesman will know that it takes place in Brooklyn. Well, I must say that the Harrow boys nailed the accents. Well done!

Friday, February 28 – Harrow on the Hill
I’m staying close to home again for another event tonight – a Lenny Kravitz Concert at Wembley Arena. (only 3 stops away on the Metropolitan Line)
This will be the only UK stop of his European tour this spring.

The concert was featured in today’s paper, in a section highlighting the weekend’s events…

A couple photos from the show…

The capacity of the Arena is 12,500, and I’m pretty sure it was sold out.
The concert ran about two hours and met all expectations. Lenny is a true showman. And he had a wonderful rapport with the audience. I like that. He told a nice story about his first time in London, in 1989. (I first traveled here in 1991; I have a feeling my experience was completely different from his!)
Saturday, March 1 – Harrow on the Hill
Mary messaged me this morning, informing me of a pop-up taking place on the Hill today. I’m in. Thanks Mary!
The Spire Cafe is located adjacent to St. Mary’s Church, and is typically only open 6 days per year. The food offered at the Cafe is all homemade, and is staffed by volunteers. All of the proceeds benefit the church.

The cafe was open from 11am to 6pm. I arrived around 2:30pm.

I went with a Spire Cafe Sultana Scone with Jam & Clotted Cream, and a Homemade Hot Spiced Apple Cider. Tasty! (I also wanted to get a bowl of soup, but they were sold out. Ugh! You snooze, you lose!)
Monday, March 3 – Harrow on the Hill
I’m feeling a little better today. And that’s a good thing because I’m off tomorrow to the coast of Spain. Mary & Tony have generously offered me the use of their apartment in Calpe. I’ll be spending three nights there, and then moving up the coast a bit for three nights in Valencia. Back to London in a week.
I was not planning on taking my laptop with me, but it looks like the weather might be a little crummy, so I’ll probably bring it along and get some work done on my North Africa Journal updates. Watch this space!
Very interesting venue for the play, but it looked cool! And so fun seeing Lenny Kravitz!
A fun couple of evenings. Thanks for the note Holly!
Tim, I liked the pictures of the Harold library and the external view of St Mary church. I think I went to the gardens of the church when I went to London. Enjoy your trip to Spain and I hope you recover from your cold.
Thanks for the note Georgina!