JE 2

Buenos Aires

Sunday, January 13 – Buenos Aires

It was raining this morning and into the early afternoon, so it turned into a quiet day. That was probably a good thing because I have to remind myself that this is an 11 week journey – not every day needs to consist of 25k steps!

I spent the morning finalizing this journal and getting it published, doing some trip planning and reading (a book about Theodore Roosevelt’s harrowing excursion into the Amazon – appropriate!). I was originally scheduled to leave Buenos Aires on Wednesday but have decided to extend and will now depart Friday. (the beauty of not having an itinerary!) I like it here – the city, where I’m staying, and will take advantage of the great internet service to research and plan the next steps of the trip.

I did make it out for some roaming around this afternoon. It was fairly quiet on the streets, it being Sunday and many shops were closed. I ended up back at Teatro Colón and was going to take a tour, but they were booked up until late afternoon, so I bought a ticket for tomorrow. (After attempting to use my US credit card and being told by the ticket agent that my “PIN was blocked” I ended up forking over cash (ugh!). A subsequent call to the credit card company (via Skype using my apartment’s wifi) resulted in the representative informing me that the card was not blocked (huh?)) Point taken – backup cash and backup credit card.

Not a very photogenic day, but I did have another Armenian sighting. This looked like an interior design shop…

Finally, here’s a bonus pic from a couple days ago of The Recoleta Cultural Centre. It’s very close to the cemetery.

4 thoughts on “JE 2

  1. I’m just getting caught up now! I love hearing about all of your travels and Buenos Aires looks beautiful! I had no idea about the Armenian population. Can’t wait to read about all of your experiences and see all of your pictures. I’m glad you had part of a day off….I keep seeing your steps on Fitbit haha!

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