JE 40

London to Luxembourg

Tuesday, January 21 – last day in London

I had big plans for my last day in London; enhanced by the fact that it was also my 60th birthday! I started out back at the V&A Museum, where I attended a tour/talk regarding the history of the museum. It was very interesting!

It was a beautiful day, so I decided to take a walk through the parks as I made my way to the TKTS booth in Leicester Square (planning on attending a show tonight). On the route to Kensington Gardens I stopped to get something to eat at a favorite sandwich shop. Well, let’s just say it was not as good as I remembered! Was it always marginal, and my faulty memory just made it seem better, or had it actually had a serious drop in quality over the years? Mmmm, I’ve got to go with the latter. But I am 60 after all, so you never know!

By the time I reached Leicester Square I was getting kind of tired. Still feeling the effects (or is it affects, I never get those two straight?!) from an over-strenuous weekend, or just old age? Probably both! So, sadly, I decided to head back to the hotel and get ready for my day of travel tomorrow.

Sidenote: I did put in 17k steps today, so maybe being tired was a little justified!

What a pathetic birthday, right? No arguments. I don’t even have any decent pictures to post. This is one I will try to blot out from my memory. And based on my sandwich shop issues, that shouldn’t be a problem!

But how appropriate is it that on my 60th birthday I was too tired to make a night of it!!

Wednesday, January 22 – transit from London to Luxembourg

I’ll be travelling in four different trains over a period of about 6 hours today.

Step 1: Take the tube from South Harrow to St Pancras. Duration: about 45 minutes. Class: none. Reserved Seat: yeah, right!

St Pancras Station
Eurostar boarding area

Step 2: St. Pancras to Brussels – Zuid through the Chunnel on Eurostar. Duration: 2 hours. Class: 2nd. Reserved Seat: Yes.

And here’s probably the only good thing about turning 60 – I now qualify for the senior discount on European train travel! Whoo Hoo!!

My “window” seat on the train. Thanks Eurostar! Fortunately, it was a pretty dreary day, so there were no missed photo ops (plus, most pictures from the window of a fast moving train are worthless! Well, at least mine are!). And as a bonus, the seat next to me was empty for the trip!

I had a 28 minute layover in Brussels, which turned out to be a good thing because we arrived 20 minutes late!

Step 3: Brussels to Arlon (a Belgian city near the border of Luxembourg). Duration: 2 hours 50 minutes. Class: 2nd. Reserved Seat: no.

The view from my seat on the Arlon train. This was a double-decker car, and I chose the upper level. It never got very crowded, but I did have someone sitting across from me for most of the trip.

I only had 5 minutes to catch the train to Luxembourg, but thankfully we arrived on time (as you’d expect for most of the European train systems). And my connecting train was just one track away.

Step 4: Arlon to Luxembourg City. Duration: 22 minutes. Class: 2nd. Reserved Seat: no.

My compartment on the short trip to Luxembourg City. I did end up sharing it with one other person.

Following my trip to South America last year I was asked how much luggage I had with me on the 11 week journey. I realized that I missed out then by not posting a picture of my gear. Well. omission corrected! The bag and backpack shown here are the same two that I took with me to South America.
Luxembourg Train Station (in case you missed the sign!)
My hotel was about a 15 minute walk from the train station
The room was $120/night, and included a very good breakfast buffet.
The bar area
More of the bar/lounge

6 thoughts on “JE 40

  1. UT! I’m just getting caught up now! I didn’t realize that you were writing here again. Your trip looks amazing so far! Can’t wait to follow along again!

    1. Hi Holly! I’m sorry I didn’t let you know. I’m happy you thought of checking in. Thanks for following along!

  2. Happy belated birthday Tim!
    Take Vitamin B12 when you go to bed and will feel energized the next day.
    Great travels and we miss the train system.

  3. Don’t feel bad, Tom and I don’t have any big recollections of our 60th birthday! We will all share a toast to you in NYC! The trains look amazing. Enjoy the next part of your trip. I would just call this who,e trip a celebration!

    1. Thanks for making me feel better Kari. I’m looking forward to the NYC toast! And I like your celebration tour idea!

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