JE 50

Buenos Aires

Monday, March 2 – Buenos Aires

It’s gotten warmer here over the last few days – going from a high in the mid 70s when I arrived to the mid 80s recently. Not so uncomfortable (I did come here for the warmer weather after all!), but I was spoiled at the start of the trip!

We’ll call today meandering Monday. I had another relaxing day of roaming around and spending time on a bench, doing some reading and contemplating life. Very deep, I know! Unlike last time though, when I ended up in some parks, today I ventured to the water. More specifically, Puerto Madero, a revamped dockside area. Its converted redbrick buildings contain restaurants and shops, and the surrounding high-rises house multinational corporations and high-value apartments.

I apologize if this is kind of boring, but I’m having a fun, relaxing time! It will get more interesting soon though; I’ll be back on the road Wednesday. Below are some pictures from the day…

Claustros Históricos Basílica del Pilar, ca 1732. This is in Recoleta, near my hotel.
Centro Cultural Recoleta, also near my hotel
The French ambassador’s residence
This ship is docked near where the ferries depart to Uruguay. I’m not sure what it is (could not get close access). Pretty cool though!
This is Puente de la Mujer, a pedestrian bridge
In the background is the Libertador Building (Edificio Libertador), it houses the Ministry of Defense
To the left is the ARA Presidente Sarmiento, now a museum, originally built as a training ship for the Argentine Navy. She is considered to be the last intact cruising training ship from the 1890s.

4 thoughts on “JE 50

    1. Good observation Kait! I don’t think I’ll be swimming in that water! It is around the port tough, so that might have something to do with the color? Where I’m heading tomorrow though is supposed to have beautiful water! (a little teaser…)

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