JE 53


Apologies for the delayed update. It’s been a busy few days (and I’ve been a little lazy – come on, I’m on vacation!). I was going to post a new entry on Thursday, but…well, I’ll get to that…

Monday, March 9 – Florianopolis

I did a TON of beach walking today, and I feel fine (now, days later!)…

I headed to the northwest part of the island, courtesy of my executive bus. This area is definitely more commercialized than the other parts of the island that I have visited. Looking at some of the condos and homes along the beach reminded me of the Florida coast.

Here’s a map of the area I covered today. Basically, I walked all along the coast, starting at Praia de Juere and finishing with a trek around the peninsula in the southwest corner. I guess it’s hard to tell the scale from this picture, but it was long!
My entry on to Praia de Juere (Juere Beach). Popular spot!
Looking west down the beach towards the point.
At the point, which includes a rock outcropping with nice views…
…like this!
This was taken from a hill above Praia de Juere, as I make my way around the point.
My next stop, at the top of the hill, was Fortaleza de São José da Ponta Grossa
The construction of the fortress was completed in 1765
Fire at will! (lucky timing as this historical ship passed by!)
Down the hill from the fort is Praia do Forte
Not very crowded at this end of the beach
Getting to the next beach was a little more tricky, via an unmarked trail called Trilha de Daniela p praia do forte (heard about it from my hotel’s staff). It climbed up above the water and offered some great views! It was funny, I had encounters with several people heading the opposite direction on the trail, and they all asked me (in Portuguese, of course!) whether or not there was a beach at the other end. I think I successfully confirmed their suspicions!
Made it to the next beach!
This beach is called Praia da Ponta Grossa. Once again, fairly crowded near the point of entry…
…but, if you’re willing to walk, rather deserted at the other end. (these beaches are all starting to look alike, aren’t they?!?)
I’ve now transitioned to Praia da Daniela, which leads down to the peninsula. Rather empty…
…except for this guy. (Which looks like a blast, by the way!)
Some minor obstacles on the way to the tip of the peninsula.
And here we are at the end! A few other hard-cores made it as well I see. In the left background is the Florianopolis city center.

I was rather beat by this time, so instead of looking for the bus back to the hotel, I walked to the nearby town of Daniela and splurged on an Uber ($8).

Sidenote 1: I’ve been asked about the temps here: the highs have been in the low 80s, with mild humidity. Very nice!

Sidenote 2: When I’m walking the beaches I’m wearing a hat, scarf, and long-sleeved SPF shirt. Some of the locals look at me like I’m an alien! There must be a low incidence of skin cancer amongst the dark-skinned Brazilians.

Tuesday, March 10 – Florianopolis

Let’s explore the northeast part of the island today! Once again, my initial mode of transport was the bus.

I like this map idea! Here is the area I covered today. Well, basically the beaches to the east and north; and I did some hiking around the point. The white areas are sand dunes. You’ll see some pictures of the eastern ones.
This is Praia do Santinho (Santinho Beach). The view is looking north towards Ponta dos Ingleses.
The view south
Making my way towards the point…
I’m now hiking the trail (called Toca Da Onça) on Ponta dos Ingleses. Nice view! (note the surfers on the beach)
More from the trail
Looking north at the sand dunes and my next destination!
After walking through the lower part of the dunes area I arrived at the eastern end of Praia dos Ingleses. This area was very nice, but as I headed west this became my least favorite beach!
Looking back towards where I entered the beach area
The sand dunes right up against the edge of the water!
Taking a little climb up the dunes
They’re bigger (and longer) than you think!
And here’s why I dislike the rest of Praia dos Ingleses – very little beach front (maybe this is high tide?), which is lined by private residences, making access difficult. This is also a very touristy area.

I’m going to finish the day by traveling back to the western part of the island, to an area called Santo Antonio de Lisboa. This is a cute little village known for its sunset views. Mode of transport: Uber ($5).

Another $5 Uber returned me to the city.

Sidenote: I’ve been asked if I’ll be changing the journal’s header picture. I kind of doubt it. In my mind, it’ll be hard to top that picture (and my experiences) from last year’s visit to Easter Island!

Wednesday, March 11 – Florianopolis

I think I’m going to keep today rather low-key. My plan is to make a return visit to Barra da Lagoa, where I’m going to visit a sea turtle conservation facility. And the nice part is I can make the round trip using the executivo bus! I find the bus trips very relaxing, kind of like the trains in Europe – just sit back and watch the scenery go by.

Waiting for the bus at the terminal in the city center
Projeto TAMAR (with TAMAR being an abbreviation of Tartarugas Marinhas, Sea Turtles) originated in 1980 and supports the identification and preservation of not only sea turtles, but also sharks and other sea wildlife. The Florianopolis center is one of 22 facilities in Brazil.
I discovered that Gisele is from this area, and obviously a supporter of the project
My first souvenir from the trip! A nice companion to the Charles Darwin Foundation t-shirt I bought in the Galapagos last year. $17 to a good cause!

The bus to Barra da Lagoa passed by another inland lake on the island called Lagoa da Conceição. There isn’t a lot of convenient public access or walking areas around the lake, so I didn’t stop there. But I did take a couple pictures from the bus (not the greatest quality!)…

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