JE 54

Florianopolis to Buenos Aires

Thursday, March 12 – transit from Florianopolis to Buenos Aires

I’m lovin’ Uber in Florianopolis! Cost of the ride to the airport: $6. Less than half of what I paid for a taxi when I arrived.

I really like the Florianopolis airport. This open air space is wonderful.
Departures area
Long queue to board our flight. No virus worries here!
Goodbye Florianopolis. I had a great time! (the view is of Lagoa da Conceição and the Barra da Lagoa area)

In my last entry I mentioned that I was planning on posting a journal update today, but something made that difficult. Well…

…this is the line for immigration in Buenos Aires. We’re just off the jetway and not even in the immigration area yet! Apparently they chose today to start their coronavirus health screening protocols, and it was very disorganized! Those protocols included filling out a new immigration form, which was different from the one the airline handed out. I found one question interesting: my seat number on the plane. Makes sense though. Arriving passengers were also required to walk past a heat-sensitive camera that measured body temperature. Unfortunately, they only had one camera! Ultimately it took over two hours to reach the baggage claim area.

The rest of my arrival in BA followed the same script as a couple weeks ago – bus to the city and then a shared minibus to the Art Suites hotel in the Recoleta neighborhood. By the time I got to the hotel I wasn’t in much of a mood to work on my journal!

Friday, March 13 – Buenos Aires

No big plans today. It’s a nice day though, so let’s see where my roaming leads!

Whoa, I noticed this posted on the entrance to the Recoleta Cemetery! Basically all museums, theatres, and even this outdoor cemetery in BA have been ordered closed due to the coronavirus. Apparently it went into effect yesterday (along with the immigration screening!). Probably a smart proactive move, even with the low incidence of the virus in this country. Likely means I’ll need to get creative on what I see on the rest of the trip!
Looks like it’s break time for a dog walker!
Anybody heard of this Armenian musician?
At least the Rose Garden is still open! (the zoo was too!)
Back on the job!
It’s late afternoon, and I’m hungry. What a coincidence, I just happen to be back at the Armenian restaurant!
We’ll go with a starter of sarma (and some lemonade)…
…followed by a main of shish kabob and pilaf. Yumm! Total cost: $12. Not bad, but seems a little expensive for Argentina.

Saturday, March 14 – Buenos Aires

It’s raining, so it seems like a perfect day to work on the journal, do some trip planning, and REST!

Sidenote: I did go out to grab some cash at the nearby ATM. I tried for 4,000 pesos this time, and…success! Whoo hoo! (also went on an empanada run!)

7 thoughts on “JE 54

  1. When were you planning on coming back to the US? Think your plans will change as things start moving to south america? Hope you are able to enjoy the rest!!

    1. Hi Kait! Great questions! So good, in fact, that I’ve addressed them in my latest Journal Entry. Thanks for checking in!

  2. Interesting that they are checking body temperatures. I am sure you will find plenty to do but all of the closings are hampering so many trips. People here seem to be preparing to be locked in their houses for weeks. The grocery stores are packed and the shelves are empty. I love the picture of the dog walker!

    1. Hi Kari! I just read the State Journal article about what’s going on at the local grocery stores. Pretty crazy! I also read about the MASSIVE immigration delays travelers are facing as they return to the U.S. from Europe. My measly two hour delay now seems trivial in comparison! Thanks for your note!

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