JE 60

Oahu – Diamond Head

Wednesday, January 12 – Waikiki

I slept somewhat better last night, and am ready to do some exploring! It’s another beautiful day, so trekking Diamond Head (DH) seems like the perfect choice.

From my hotel in Waikiki, walking the direct inland route to the DH park entrance would probably take about 45 minutes (taking a bus is also an option). I’ve read though that an alternate wraparound route along the coast is a beautiful walk. It’s takes about double the time, but I went for it. Very happy I did! Took that route back too.

Here’s a rough sketch of the route I used to walk from my hotel to the entrance of Diamond Head. As you can see, not the most direct!
Cool surfboard storage area along a path down to the beach
Not a typical sight in Wisconsin!
A view of Diamond Head from a little coastal park I came across on the walk
Hard to see, but there are surfers out there! I wanted to include the sign because I thought it was funny that the Hazard warning was covered up with stickers!

The trail to the summit of Leʻahi (Hawaiian name for Diamond Head Crater) was built in 1908 as part of Oahu’s coastal defense system. Round trip, the hike is 1.6 miles, with an elevation gain of 560 feet. So, pretty easy. There are some steep stairs and a narrow, lighted 225-foot tunnel to traverse, but that’s about it.

You can see part of the crater in the background.
**INFLATION ALERT!!** This sign near the entrance indicates the fee for those walking into the park is $1 (cash only). Well, in actuality the cost was $5! (credit card only) Are you kidding me?!?
Hikers along a switchback can be seen at the bottom of the picture
Not very crowded, which was nice!
Diamond Head Lighthouse, dating to 1899. The road adjacent to the lighthouse was part of my walk to and from the park.
View of Waikiki and Honolulu from the summit of the crater.
The first souvenir of the trip ($4). Will go on my bulletin board at home.
Found this cool seaside path on my walk.
Oh Oh! Fortunately I survived.
Came across tonight’s dinner spot on my way back to the hotel. Luckily I arrived there a little early. By the time I got my food the place had filled up.
Ahi tuna in pineapple teriyaki sauce with potato/macaroni salad ($14). Mmmm!

Ended up doing over 30k steps today. Hopefully I’ll sleep better tonight!

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