JE 66

Oahu – Honolulu

Sunday, January 23 – Honolulu

Spent this morning getting caught up on my journal entries and then ventured out to explore a little bit of downtown Honolulu. It turned out that Sunday is a good day for this activity, because the area was pretty much deserted! (Although, on the down side, it was deserted because everything was closed!) I will definitely return though to take some tours of these buildings.

A little photo essay…

Kawaiahaʻo Church. Construction completed in 1842.
The Lunalilo Mausoleum (also called Lunalilo’s Tomb) is the final resting place of Hawaii’s sixth monarch King Lunalilo and his father Charles Kanaʻina. It is located adjacent to the Kawaiahaʻo Church.
Honolulu Hale (City Hall), c. 1928
Hawaiian Mission Houses. In the foreground is the Chamberlain House (Ka Hale Kamalani), c. 1831​
The Royal Brewery (c. 1900) is the oldest remaining structure associated with brewing in the state of Hawaii
Built in 1882 by King Kalakaua, Iolani Palace was the home of Hawaii’s last reigning monarchs and served as the official royal residence until the overthrow of the monarchy in 1893.
Iolani Palace grounds. The Coronation Pavilion is on the right.
Iolani Palace grounds. The Barracks.
YWCA Building, c. 1927 (and it is still home to the YWCA!)
Hawaii State Art Museum, c. 1928
Aliʻiōlani Hale (c. 1874) is home to the Hawaii State Supreme Court. In the foreground is the gold-leaf statue of Kamehameha the Great.
Aloha Tower (c. 1926) is a retired lighthouse
Impressive yacht moored near Aloha Tower

Here’s a link to an interesting article I found about this yacht touring the waters of Alaska.

Finally, I realized that I had made references to my bus excursions, but provided no photos of the luxury cruisers (!). So, here you go!

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