JE 67

Oahu – Koko Crater Tramway

Monday, January 24 – Honolulu

Nothing special planned for today. I did pick up some things at the local grocery store, which is about a 10 minute walk from my apartment. There is a significant Japanese population in Honolulu, and you can see that influence with the type of foods offered at the store. I did have a surprising (pleasant?) discovery while roaming the aisles…

Price Check Update: Apologies Honolulu! This is more like it. Lesson learned! My previous yogurt price check was at a mini-mart in Waikiki located a couple blocks from the beach.

I went for a walk in the afternoon and had another pleasant surprise: there’s a Subway shop close to my apartment that offers a daily $3.99 six-inch sub special. Wow! That’s a bargain here! I can see being a regular there. (I’m so cheap!)

Took a break on my walk to do some reading on a bench in what’s becoming my favorite spot in Waikiki/Honolulu – Magic Island.

Oh, and for dinner I had a $3.99 sub! 😉

Steps Update: Yesterday marked two weeks into the trip, and I’m averaging 17k steps per day, with a maximum of 30k and a minimum of 10k.

Tuesday, January 25 – Honolulu

Today I hiked the Koko Crater Tramway. This is a 1,000+ step walking track consisting of abandoned railroad ties that run along the west side to the top of the crater. The military used it during World War II as part of an incline tram to transport supplies to a lookout post at the summit. Located to the east of Honolulu, it was about a 50 minute bus ride to get there.

Duly warned. Let’s do this!
The tramway path up the crater
Here we go!
About halfway up the path there is a “bridge” portion without ground underneath – approximately 50 rail steps – there is a bypass trail option however
Yeah, I took the bypass. You’re right, I’m a wimp!
Are we there yet?!?
So close!
Made it! And the views from the top were worth it. That’s Diamond Head and Waikiki in the background.

The ascent took me about 50 minutes, with many stops along the way. It was fun though because there was a comradery amongst the hikers – a lot on conversations and encouragement along the way. While I was taking a break at the top I spoke to a recent college grad who played DII football. He did the climb in 17 minutes. Yikes!

View of Hanauma Bay. Note the baseball diamonds in the center right.
View from the east side of the crater. That is Hawaii Kai Golf Course to the left.

I spent about 40 minutes at the top. There was a nice breeze on the east side of the crater, which felt great because I was sweating bullets!

I think the decent may be even harder than the ascent!
I was in no hurry!
Side stepping was a popular (and smart!) methodology!
This guy (and his partner behind him) were adding to their workout by carrying these timbers!

The trip down took about 40 minutes. And yes, I bypassed the “bridge” again! The descent wasn’t as strenuous as the ascent, but taking the time to maintain proper footing was a must. A tough hike (especially for an old guy!), but definitely worth it! I’m sure I’ll feel it my quads tomorrow.

Ground level view of one of the baseball diamonds I mentioned earlier. I just thought it was a cool location, with Diamond Head in the background.
Had some home cooking for dinner tonight. Well, about as close to home cooking as I can get!

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