JE 81

Kauai to Maui

Saturday, February 26 – Kapaa

Sunrise yoga? Check.

Leisurely couple hours? Check.

By late morning I was sufficiently motivated to take a drive to check out Wailua Falls. It took around 20 minutes from the hotel.

The road into the falls is a dead end, and there is an overlook from the road that provides a downward side look at the falls. This is where everyone congregates.

This is the view from the road. Not that great, right?

However, I read on a blog about a trail the winds down from the road to the falls. However, it’s steep, muddy, and slippery. But it is fairly short and there are supposed to be ropes along the route to provide assistance. I’m going for it!

The trailhead wasn’t easy to spot. Fortunately, the blog post included directions on how to find it. I actually had to climb over a fence and ignore a “No Access Beyond This Point” sign to get to it!
Like on parts of the Kalalau Trail, I didn’t take many pictures on the hike; because I needed both hands for support!
The rope was especially helpful in this section of the trail! The descent was significantly more difficult than the ascent.
Made it! It took me about 20 minutes.
A little better than the the view from the road, right?

And fortunately there were no incidents on the hike. Well, there was one…I forgot to apply insect repellent. The mosquitos were ruthless!

I got back to hotel by mid-afternoon and went for a bike ride.

Sunday, February 27 – transit from Kauai to Maui

Thankfully my flight to Maui doesn’t depart until around noon. That gives me plenty of time for one last sunrise yoga class. Perfect!

I enjoyed my time on Kauai. I’d say a weeklong stay results in a nice relaxing itinerary. Highlights:

  • Kalalau Trail
  • Waimea Canyon
  • Sunrise Yoga (of course!)
  • The hotel’s setting / grounds / room with balcony and a great view

In my opinion, the only cons to the island are that it’s rather expensive, and traffic can be congested (although, to be fair, there is some road work going on at the moment).

Sidenote: I ended up getting 40 mpg with my rental. Not bad!

The Hawaiian Airlines flight ($108 + $15 bag fee) took about 45 minutes on a plane that was the same size as the one that brought me to Kauai. I will say though that the Maui airport is huge in comparison to the one on Kauai. They even have a tram going to the rental car complex. Speaking of rental cars…

…here’s my baby for the next 7 days! ($104/day)

My hotel for the week is the Day’s Inn Oceanfront. It’s located on the west side of the island and the drive from the airport (which is in the northwest) took about 20 minutes.

This is Keawakapu Beach in front of the hotel. It looks pretty long; great for walking! Yes please!
These four rooms at the hotel are the only ones with beach views (can’t imagine how much they go for!?!). The rest of the rooms are in buildings that project back towards the road.
I have a ground floor corner room. My building is about the 6th one back from the beach.
$341/night. Welcome to Maui!!

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